Pink toys are raising Baby Girl
Presence of large numbers of pink toys for girls causes heated debates in the Net about the fact that kids get wrong color perception. Thus, girls are imposed pink and boys - blue and dark-blue colors.Experts found that toy color affects next generation’s outlook. It turned out that children’s stores are overflown with pink goods and kids who have a predominant color in toys and clothes, give up things of other colors.
The research results fully confirm fears of experts in the field of education. U.S. scientists proposed young people to select the most favorite color from obtainable options. Most women preferred all shades of red and pink, while men - blue and light blue colors.
Where is the danger, according to scientists? First of all, this fact shows how commercial companies can manipulate consciousness of kids by imposing some sort of preference. To date, most girls up to 3 years prefer pink color, and refuse playing with yellow or green toys.
Another bad point - it is the lack of basic social and educational functions in girls, researchers believe. Pink toys, dolls (like Barbie), are associated in girls with princesses and delay a simple knowledge that a woman has a positive social role, than enjoying joys of life.
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