What Should We Do If Our Baby sick ??
Childhood diseases is a difficult check, not only for children but also for his loved ones. Any father will confirm that it is better to get sick ten times herself, than seeing a suffering small man. A kid feels your mind very nice.If you are lost, nervous, or worse, show panic, it will certainly be transferred to a kid. Therefore, no matter how hard you feel in soul, try to get together. Your confidence that everything will be fine will help a kid in the fight against illness. Sick kid becomes irritable & capricious. Take it easy, be softer & tolerant. Of coursework, this is not always easy.
Almost someone, even the strongiest & healthiest kid falls sick from time to time. & if kid diseases is an inescapable thing, let’s try to treat them philosophically.
esli_zabolelA sick kid feels anxiety & needs support. Mom’s task is to calm down a kid, explain what is happening to him in simple words, believe in a speedy recovery together with him. This is very important, even if a kid asks nothing & shows no interest.
But some children prefer not asking direct questions, having more reliance on phone conversations & parents’ behavior. It is compassion & empathy should be expressed to a kid, no pity. Pity does not help, but makes a man weak & helpless.
Empathy comforts, but also inspires confidence. “I understand you. I like you very very much! They will deal with the adverse illness. You will soon be recovered, cheerful & healthy!” So much better.
Try to give a kid maximum attention, spend together all free time. Do not be afraid a kid will get spoiled over time of illness. It is important to maintain a nice mood of ill kid. Tell a pipsqueak on how he will recover. Dream together, where you will you go or what you will do. Do not overwhelm your kid with new toys, & all kinds of gifts. You can do this & you need to, but knowing the measure.
New toys excite a kid much, but it is not necessary now. It is better to take nice elderly friends to a bed - a favorite bear, hare or duckling. They survived a lot of «hard days» along with a kid. & if a kid has been dreaming of some particular toy for a long (ie a dog or a automobile), then now it is time to realize this dream. This will be a real joy!
New toys excite a kid much, but it is not necessary now. It is better to take nice elderly friends to a bed - a favorite bear, hare or duckling. They survived a lot of «hard days» along with a kid. & if a kid has been dreaming of some particular toy for a long (ie a dog or a automobile), then now it is time to realize this dream. This will be a real joy!
If a kid refuses taking drugs or does not agree to any procedure, does not make him by force. Very always you can convince a pipsqueak treating freely. Game is a great weapon to combat the illness. As you know, disease is mournful & boring. & if you can raise a child’s mood, exhilarate him, involve in an interesting job, then the recovery technique will go much faster. Sick kid should not necessary be kept in bed for the whole day, unless, of coursework, it was not prescribed by a doctor.
Indeed, there's definite diseases, when strict bed rest is a guarantee of full recovery. But in most cases, such serious measures are not needed. A kid will identify himself when he ought to relax, & when run. Children overcome temperature better than they adults, & it is worth listen to their intuition & not to insist on lying in bed without any particular need. During disease a kid can engage in technique affairs.
You must only make a minor modification. First, limit noise, mobile games. Secondly, take away large, bright, noisy, musical toys. You will need all kinds of magnetic boards, which help collecting geometric patterns or figures of speech. It is very important to seldom frighten a kid with doctors & hospitals.
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